All military pictues taken during 1914-1919
Francis George Turnpenny
New Zealand 1893 - 1971
Served in France & Germany
Sidney Bertie Turnpenny 1890 - 1975
Left back row
Sidney Bertie Turnpenny 1890 - 1975
Taken in the 1930`s when he stood as the Dover Local Election Candidate
George John Turnpenny`s family, 1867 - 1959 Born Shoreditch, Went to New Zealand 1880`s, married and all his children born there
Lt. Sidney Bertie Turnpenny 1890 - 1975
Shown marked at the Military Hospital, Dover where he had treatment for left leg injuries received in France.
He also married Lilly Valentine Vass at this Hospital
Turnpenny web site - Updated
May 2016
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No 2 Tree
Turnpenny Pictures - From Tree No 2 - Details of this tree are shown in the full report page.